Health Education 9a Mr. Brown. 

Terms and concepts to think about for the final.  More on


Neurotransmitter molecules – The chemicals that release in the synapse and send signals from nerve cell to nerve cell.


Nerve synapse – the gap where it all happens!


Hallucinogen – drugs that cause a person to see, hear, or feel things that are not there.


Marihuana – A mild euphorant with a number of problems associated with use.

                                    See the web site for more!

Alcohol – America’s drug of choice for social relaxation. Much more of web site!


Alcohol Equilivants   1 ½ = 12 = 5


Anabolic Steroids – drugs that build strength and muscle in training athletes


Codependent – a person who has a relationship with an addict


Enabling -  a person who helps an addict continue their addiction


Scapegoat – the person in a dysfunctional family who is like the addict.


Drug – any chemical that has an effect on the body


OTC – over the counter.  What does that mean?


FDA – Food and Drug Administration.  What does this federal agency do?


Generic name – The common name that most people use


1906 – What is the significance of this date besides establishing the FDA?


1994 – Supplements deregulated.  What does this mean to you the consumer?


IV – intravenous injection.  How does this get the drug into the body?


Addiction – physical and/or emotional dependence on a substance.


Tolerance – A person needs more of the drug to get the same effect


Withdrawal – take the drug away, what happens?


DEA –Drug Enforcement Administration – Federal law enforcement

Schedule 1 Drug – dangerous drug with no medical use.