List of Terms  -  Drug Education  - Mr. Brown


Drug – Any substance that has an effect on the body

Psychoactive Drug – A drug that changes how a person feels.  The effect is a feeling change.


Pharmacology – The Study of Drugs.

Pharmacist – A professionally trained and licenced person who mixes and sells drugs.

Pharmacologist – Some one who studies and works with drugs.


Endorphin – Brain chemical (neuro-transmitter) that make you feel good.

Self Esteem – respect or worth you have about yourself.

Natural High – Good feelings one gets from engaging in a healthy action or behavior.


Drug Names – Scientific, Generic, Trade.

OTC – over the counter –Drugs controlled by FDA that an individual my buy in a store.

Prescription – Drug or medicine that is controlled by the FDA but needs a doctors direction to buy.

Dietary Supplements – Substances not controlled by the FDA.  May or may not have a useful medical effect.


Drug Effects -

Medical Effects –

Desired Effects –

Side Effects –

Specific Effects –Chemical action of a drug inside a cell.

Non-Specific Effects – drug effects you feel, open to interpretation

Drug uses – Medical vs recreational / legal vs illegal.

Drug Risk – The concept of unhealthy and unwanted effects of drug action having an impact on a persons decision to take a drug/medicine.


Placebo – An inert of innocnous medication given especially to satisfy the patient.  Something tending to soothe or gratify.  Fake Drug!


Single Blind Study Condition – Two Groups – researcher gives one the drug,  The other group gets placebo.

Double Blind Study Condition – Two Groups – one gets drugs, one does not, observers and groups don’t know who has the drugs.


Addiction –

Physical Addiction – dependence on a substance to which the body develops a tolerance and shows withdrawal when deprive of it.

Emotional Dependance – phychological need to keep taking a drug / keep changing how you feel.

Tolerance – The reduced effect of a drug after continued use.

Withdrawal  - The bodies reaction to having a drug taken away.

Dependence – the state of relying on something or someone.