Pharmacological Revolutions



- Vaccines   1796   small pox  - Edward Jenner


- Anesthetics

Hypodermic Syringe - 1853

Civil War


- Antibiotics

Sulpha Drugs  - 1920s

Penicillin  - 1940


- Tranquilizers for mental illness

1955-1975 mental hospital population decreased by75%


- Oral Contraceptives  - 1963 in USA.






















At several points in history the development of a drug has changed

the way we live, work and think. The following list presents

5 such occurrences.


VACCINES - Prior to Edward Jenner's discovery of the cow pox

- milkmaid - small pox linkage humankind could do nothing but look

on in despair as the various killer infectious diseases ravaged

society. With the work of people like Jenner, Pasture, Koch, and

Salk we now stop at least 24 diseases with the immunization



ANESTHESIA - While surgery was done before anesthesia was

available, it was limited to procedures that could be performed

quickly and was usually reserved for the very ill. The pain and

shock caused much suffering even to the survivors. These drugs

enabled physicians to perform more complex and time consuming

procedures. Heart transplants and intricate cancer dissections

being ultimate examples. Anesthesia has enabled humans to look at

life in less painful terms.


ANTIBIOTICS - Bacterial diseases were once the scourge of

human kind. The first drug that killed bacteria living in the

human body came along in the 1920's (sulfa) with the ultimate

(penicillin) being introduced in the 1940's. Strep throat and

appendicitis are no longer death sentences. People used to fear

infection. Quarantine signs and homes off in the mountains for TB

patients are now considered a historical oddity.


TRANQUILIZERS - The introduction of major tranquilizing and

anti-depressant drugs was one of the causes of a 65% decrease

in the mental hospital population from 1955-1975. These drugs

enable the heretofore unreachable patient to be calmed to a point

where therapy can be helpful. Prior to this the mentally ill were

given purges, enemas, shocks, and lobotomies in an effort to

control their bizarre behavior.


BIRTH CONTROL PILLS - The first drug use for social convenience as

opposed to disease cure or prevention. Hormona1 contraception endble

women to control their fertility in a way never before possible and

enabled many of the features of the woman's movement to move forward.



Which one of these has been most important? Least Important?

Rank order them.

Discuss reasons for your choice.


What wi11 be the next pharmacological discovery to change or way of life?