Notes for Mr. Brown’s 11th grade Emotional Health class.
Health Knowledge vs Health Behavior
While knowledge is important, our behavior determines our health.
I used an Apple vs M&Ms choice to illustrate this point. The idea is that the apple is the better choice if you are using health knowledge but because the M&Ms tastes better our behavior is usually to eat the candy.
Health Definitions:
Mr. Brown finds the first (a World Health Organization definition) an ideal to strive for but not a realistic working definition. Mr. Brown likes the second one as it recognizes the reality of life. The third is important to keep in mind as we search for the best health options for ourselves.
Some use the word Wellness to describe this overall state of good health.
Put Down/Vulture/Validation
Putdown: Words, looks or actions that make someone feel bad about themselves.
Vulture: a self-putdown.
Validation: Words, looks or actions that make someone feel real.
Sarcasm: a cutting, hostile, or contemptuous remark. The use of caustic or ironic language.
It is usually opposite of your real feelings, mean spirited, and used in a way to hide true feelings.
Tone of voice is usually an integral element of sarcasm.
Mr. Brown feels that sarcastic interactions are not healthy. Wikipedia Definition
Pecking Order: (a story Mr. Brown tells about chickens)
What is Mental Health?
The National Association for Mental health defines mental health as
#1 being comfortable with yourself.
#2 feeling good about your relationships with others.
#3 being able to meet the demands of life.
We studied a list of 27 Characteristics of Positive Mental Health.
Unit 1
Personality or Who are We?
The Psychoanalytic Perspective
(Are we controlled by hidden subconscious urges)
Freud More on Freud
Unconscious (subconscious)
Personality Structure (ego, id, superego) More on Ego, SuperEgo, and Id
The Trait Perspective
The Big 5 *** More on the Big 5
(Are we a series of traits that we inherit and/or learn)
Activity: Take images of ourselves and describe a trait to the class.
Public testimony of a trait makes it more important to us.
The Human Potential Perspective
(Do we have a need to be good and do well)
Maslow and Self-Actualization
Carl Rogers and Person Centered Perspective
Self and Self Esteem
The Social-Cognitive Perspective
(Do we just react to situations)
Personal behavior in situation
BF Skinner
Personal Control vs Learned Helplessness